
Please contact me for a price quote

Audition Coaching (Most Popular)
Audition Coaching (Most Popular)

My goal as a coach is to help you unlock your full potential and help you showcase a fully realized performance in the audition room. I work hard to make sure you feel confident and ready to make a great impression and have fun. The main goal is to get you the job. 

Career Coaching
Career Coaching

I have been in the industry for over 15 years and have worked with some wonderful agents and managers. Signing with one can be a tough task, and sometimes actors need help. That's where I come in. Aside from creating business plans, developing networking strategies, and helping find representation, I also help with resume creation, headshot prep, and general industry guidance so you can take your career to the next level.

Public Speaking Coaching
Public Speaking Coaching

Public speaking is a skill every person/artist should have. I will help you develop confidence, learn breathing techniques, help run mock speeches, and get you to a place where speaking in front of an audience is not only doable but also enjoyable!

Art Accountability Coaching
Art Accountability Coaching

As an artist myself, I often had trouble completing tasks or starting amazing ideas. It's time you write that book, finish that project, or learn that skill you have always wanted to play. My main mission is to hold you accountable on your own terms. We will work together to create a plan that works for you so you can feel better about yourself and your goals. Achieve your goals!